Welcom to ICOH-CVD



The ICOH Scientific Committee on Cardiology in Occupational Health (ICOH-CVD) serves a professional network of researchers, occupational health physicians and public health workers throughout the world concerned about the impact of work and work-related factors on cardiovascular health, in particular hypertension and ischemic heart disease (IHD). Linking economic globalization to the changing nature of work and its impact on the risk of CVD, and focusing on research, worksite interventions, and public health, we are organized as an official committee of the International Commission of Occupational Health. Our work focuses on identifying work-related risk factors for CVD, including both the physical and psychosocial work environment, the interplay of social class, work and health, interventions to reduce the burden of unhealthy jobs, and public policy concerns to foster change in working conditions.





Website of ICOH-CVD opened!



The venu of next ICOH-CVD has been decided.

Please see the further infomation in Information page.



Announcements on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention 2014 and 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine.

Please see the further information in Information page.



Submission open for ICOH-WOPS2014!

Please visit at unisa.edu.au/icohcongress.


New heart disease and stroke prevention guidelines released.

Please see the link page.



The Tokyo declaration has been published (see recent activities)


Online abstract submission open for ICOH 2015.

Please remind the deadline is 31 August!



Dr Alicja Bortkiewicz is elected as a new chair position of the SC Cardiology in OH for 2015-2017!



The proceedings on 6th ICOH International Conference on Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases (Tokyo, Japan) was published in the special section of the Int J Occup Med Environ Health (2014 Dec 10).



We welcome new officers!
Alicja Bortkiewicz & Elzbieta Gadzicka


New officers and SC members has been confirmed (see Officers).



Scientific activities with relevance to occupation and cardiovascular diseases 2015- have been up (please see Recent activities section!)



ICOH-CVD and WE 2017 International Conference - Varese web site is fully operative!

(please see Information section!)


The 7th ICOH International Conference on Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases at Varese was successfully closed.


Prof. Marco M Ferrario is elected as a new chair of the SC Cardiology in OH for 2022-2024 term.

Dr. Franca Barbic has been nominated Secretary of our SC, and Prof. Jian Li is the vice-chair.



Professor Jian Li is elected as the new SC chair and Professor Els Clays as the new vice-chair of the SC Cardiology in OH for 2024-2026 term.

Dr. Franca Barbic continues to serve as Secretary of our SC.